Psalm 34:8

O taste and see that the LORD is good! .....Psalm 34:8

Monday, August 29, 2011

Over the Summer

So....I'm really not good about keeping a blog updated! So much has been happening since my last post. The girls have all started school....Courtney in 8th grade, Caity in 5th grade, and Chloe goes to Preschool 2 days a week. I started teaching music classes to the 1st-5th grades at Gray Road Christian School last week and add the PreK and K5 this week. All piano lessons have started back up again too. This should be a busy week! I'm very thankful for the "job" that God has allowed me to have so that my girls can attend the great schools that they are at. (Plug for Gray Road Christian and Greenwood Christian Academy!!!)

Adoption News: The summer was spent getting our dossier (huge amounts of paperwork) ready to send to Ethiopia. We are waiting on our final document (I-171H)!!!!!!! Once we have that document I will make a ton of copies of everything and then, in God's time, send it off! I say "in God's time" because we are waiting to see Him provide!!!! God continues to send in financial support from friends. It's so amazing to see Him work! It's also very humbling!

We have just been approved to begin our next big project....BOTH HANDS! If you've never heard of this...YOU NEED TO! It's something very exciting that God has placed in our laps. We're in the process of getting a team gathered to support us and doing the project mid-October. Time is important because we need to avoid the holidays and we don't want to wait until the beginning of next year. We've also filled out a few grants that we will not hear about for several months....but the hard/busy part is done.

If you're asking, "What can I do?" are some specific things we need:

1. PRAYER! Prayer for us to be patient as we wait on God and His timing in bringing a little boy to our family.

2. SUPPORT! Consider joining our Both Hands team! Every donation we receive through this is tax-deductible and 100% of the donation goes towards our adoption.

3. BUY or SELL! We still have about 70 cookbooks left....that would bring in $700!!! That would great help in having the funds available to send our Dossier to Ethiopia.

Thanks for your love and support! "Taste and see that the Lord is good"!!!!

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